A Tale of Two Reigns
Every now and then you read a verse you’ve read many times before, but this time it lands on you differently. I read a verse this morning that did that…
Every now and then you read a verse you’ve read many times before, but this time it lands on you differently. I read a verse this morning that did that…
I’ll be there. How in the world can I say that? Have you seen my life? Have you seen my sin? Have you seen how often I fail and fall?…
I am a sinner. This statement is true. But what does it mean? “Sin” and “Sinner” seem to be theological terms, terms that some religious people use. To some, it…
Ever heard that title? This is a common phrase and it sounds so good and right. The world doesn’t care what “facts” you know about God and His gospel UNTIL…
It is the day after the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympics in Paris, and if you’ve spent 15 seconds on social media, you’ve seen the pictures of the blaspheming…
Allegorizing scripture is a dangerous thing as we can use it to make scripture say basically whatever we’d like it to. There are no guardrails once you begin turning biblical…
I may be wrong, but to a a lot of people out there, this is a formal theological phrase. They can define what the phrase means. its one of those…
“That’s not fair.” How many times have we heard or said this in our lifetime? Especially from children, who instinctively know when someone’s gotten a little more than them and…
”Christ died and was resurrected for the forgiveness of sins” The line above is the core of the gospel, is it not? I’ll go for the punchline: No, not quite.…
Sproul on Postmodernism
“My biggest concern is the way in which the postmodern mentality is seducing the church, even the Reformed church. There seems to be a tacit assumption that somewhere around 1970,…